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Algae is made from tiny microscopic plant life that grow very quickly, it rapidly reproduces especially in our summer conditions of sunlight and warmth. If your Chlorine level is low, Algae will quickly grow and you will end up with a very green pool which is not pretty or safe to swim in. To get rid of the algae you would need to use Granular Shock to kill the algae, then a flocculent to clear, followed by some manual cleaning! It is much easier to use an Algaecide to prevent the growth of algae, along with keeping your Chlorine and pH levels at the optimum level to prevent this from happening.
We offer a various different types of Algaecide to suit everyones needs. The most popular is our Long Life Algaecide (2ltr) which has an Organo-Copper which means one dose lasts up to 6 months, also for smaller pools a 1ltr container called Kleenpool Algaecide. Some clients prefer a Non-Copper Algaecide which is a weekly treatment, used in pools that may have users with bleached hair (to help avoid green hair from the copper!).
If you encounter Algae growth, there are many different types of algae. Usually treatable by shocking the pool with Shock Granules, however rarely you may require a specialist algaecide such as our Black Spot Algaecide.
Helpful Information: Algae feeds on phosphates which are found everywhere, mainly on debris that fall in the pool such as leaves, twigs, bugs. Therefore if you remove phosphates from the pool you are starving the algae, allowing other chemicals to work more effectively. You should check your phosphate levels on a regular basis and if high use our Triple Strength Phosphate Starver.