EGFM - Eco Glass Filter Media

EGFM or Eco Glass Filter Media as it stands for is one of the latest products to hit the UK swimming pool market.

For many years there have been different types of filter media for use in swimming pool sand filters ranging from volcanic rock to simple silica sand.

EGFM is simply made from reclycled glass and was brought to us about a year ago. It has massive benefits over silica sand which are as follows:

  • Silica sand is in ever decreasing availability due to finite resources
  • Increased efficientcy due to it havingconsistent angular and sub-angular shape and being more permeable and non porous compared with sand
  • Cleaner - the glass lacks the imperfections such as cracks and flaws which normally allow bacteria and nasties to get trapped and breed in sand therefore staying cleaner itself and rejecting more on backwash.
  • Less media required in the sand filter by around 10-15%
  • EGFM has a life-cycle which is longer than your filter will last so saves the dreaded filter sand change every couple of years (and cost!).
  • Lower chemical levels required in the pool water.
  • 70% less backwash required.

EGFM is priced higher than silica sand but its qualities are far superior to the silica sand and over the course of just two sand changes it will have saved you money.

1s-Direct have contacts right at the source of where this product comes from and hope to be bringing it to you shortly and the best price we can.

For more information on this exciting new swimming pool filter media product, the eco glass filter media, please contact us now.