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Five Health Benefits of Using a Hot Tub
Hot tubs have become hugely popular over the last few years. A wonderful luxury that can be used year-round, their size makes them a popular alternative for homes that are not large enough for a swimming pool.
These luxury tubs are popular with people of all ages, offering fun and relaxation. One reason for their popularity is how they can provide benefits to your overall health and wellbeing! Here, we look at some of the proven ways that using a hot tub regularly can have a positive impact on your overall health.
For hot tub advice, whether you're deciding between bromine or chlorine, or what hot tub would work best for you, you can contact a member of our team here, at 1st Direct Pools!
Hot tubs create a unique environment for your body. The temperature of the water combined with its movement from pumps results in increased pressure on your body. While you may not notice it, this pressure actually forces your body into activity, increasing the heart’s work rate.
While your heart is keeping active, the water’s high temperature also helps to open your blood vessels. Warm water encourages increased blood flow around the body, which can reduce your blood pressure.
It’s not an illusion; spending time in a hot tub really does reduce the pain you’re feeling! There are many ways this happens depending on what pain is present; for joints and bones, the secret is in its weightlessness.
When in a hot tub, studies indicate we only feel around 10% of our body weight, the rest supported by the water’s buoyancy. This level of support literally takes the burden off any aching bones and joints, reducing the pain felt and allowing them to recover.
On the same note as above, hot tubs can also support recovery for our muscles. Whether it’s a hard day’s work or post-exercise, there are times where our muscles ache, and hot tubs can help speed up the healing process.
Beyond reducing the strains of gravity, muscle recovery is supported by the heat of the hot tub. Not only does the temperature open blood vessels, but it can also loosen tight muscles, which reduces immediate soreness. Furthermore, the improved blood flow helps your body naturally recover at a faster rate.
The cardiovascular workout experienced in a hot tub also causes the body to increase productions of endorphins, which are part of the body’s recovery process.
Arguably one of the most recognised benefits of using a hot tub is the reduced stress levels we feel during and after a soak. Hot tubs are one of the most relaxing experiences you can have, and there’s science to back these feelings!
The endorphins mentioned above can play a substantial role. Not only do they aid recovery, but they are also responsible for producing the positive feelings we have after exercise. Spending time in a hot tub increases the endorphins we produce, leading to tangible short-term improvements in our happiness. Meanwhile, the benefits mentioned above regarding decreased blood pressure and body pain can also lead to a reduction in anxiety.
One of the best ways to prepare the body for sleep is to have a warm bath before bed. A hot tub takes those benefits and multiplies them for an even better night’s rest!
While in the hot tub, the warm water and buoyancy create a feeling of weightlessness. This sensation can help prepare our bodies for sleep. Many of the advantages explained above, such as reduced stress and increased muscle recovery, also support good sleeping habits. When you leave the hot tub, the process of your body cooling down is also said to help you fall asleep quicker, making it the perfect evening activity for restless minds.
Hot tubs come with a wide range of benefits. Beyond everything mentioned above, they can also be very social, providing entertainment and an excuse for family and friends to get together.
Here at 1st Direct Pools, we’ve been supplying hot tubs to people across the UK and have everything you need for a great experience. From hot tubs to chlorine tablets, other chemicals and accessories, discover our range! Alternatively, read our guide on hot tub chemicals.