How Long Does a Hot Tub Take to Heat Up?
How Long Does a Hot Tub Take to Heat Up?
Setting up your hot tub for the first time is an exciting prospect, and we don’t blame you for wanting to take a dip as soon as possible. But proper hot tub set-up includes treating the water with the right hot tub chemicals and waiting for it to heat up, so there’s a bit of preparation you’ll have to do before you can dive in.
How Long Do Hot Tubs Take to Heat Up?
The time it takes for your hot tub or Lay-Z-Spa water to warm up to your desired temperature will depend on several factors. As a very rough guide, hot tub water can take anywhere between 3 and 12 hours to heat up.
Hot tubs are excellent at retaining heat, so once they’re up to temperature, you’ll just have to maintain it – rather than waiting for it to warm up from scratch every time! You will only have to wait this long when filling up for the first time, or after refilling when you need to totally refresh the water.
What Temperature Should a Hot Tub Be?
Of course, one of the factors that’ll affect how long you’re waiting is what your desired water temperature is. Most hot tubs are set at 38°C as standard, with a slight range of 36-40°C being most comfortable for bathers.
What Factors Affect Hot Tub Warm-Up Time?
There’s quite a big difference between the guide times of 3 and 12 hours; this is because several factors will significantly impact how quickly your heating system can bring the water up to 38°C.
Hot Tub Size
It might seem obvious but the more water your hot tub contains, the longer it’ll take to heat up.
Water’s Starting Temperature
When filling up your tub, try to use water that’s already somewhat warm. Using much colder for the get go will mean you have to spend longer heating it up those extra few degrees.
Ambient Air Temperature
Similarly, if you’re filling up the water on a calm, sunny day, the heating process will likely be quicker than doing so in the depths of winter.
Hot Tub Insulation
If your hot tub is insulated properly it will retain heat more effectively, so you’re not battling heat loss even as you’re warming it up.
Water Heater
The power of your hot tub heating system also has a big part, if not the most important part, to play. A more powerful heater will help speed up the process to ensure you’re not waiting around as long.
How to Heat a Hot Tub Up Faster
If you are raring for a soak in the hot tub as soon as possible, there are some things you can do to speed things along.
- Invest in a hot tub cover to further insulate your tub and prevent unnecessary heat loss.
- Use shelters and windbreaks to prevent bad weather and colder ambient temperatures from cooling your water down.
- Ensure your heater is in good shape and has been properly maintained so it is operating at its most efficient and effective.
Do Hot Tubs Heat Up Faster When the Jets are on?
Another simple thing you can do to speed things up is turn the jets on. When the jets are on, the water is circulated more rapidly which helps transfer heat around the tub, ensuring there are no cold spots.
The Best Temperature to Keep a Hot Tub When it’s Not in Use
If you use your hot tub every few days, you should leave it running so you maintain the temperature. It takes more energy to heat it up all over again than if you simply leave it on to stay at the same temperature continuously – plus, you won’t have to wait around for it to warm up every time you want to use it.
However, if you are planning on going away or not using your hot tub for more than two weeks, it will be worth reducing the temperature slightly. Again, turning it off completely will require more energy in the long run, but it’s generally recommended that you lower your hot tub temperature by five degrees to save energy and money.
On the whole, if you keep your hot tub properly maintained, it should be ready to use whenever you fancy a dip. So long as you take the time to set it up properly initially, you should have no trouble with heating it!
If you’re a new hot tub owner, take a look at our guide that covers everything you need to know to get started.