How to Maintain a Swimming Pool Cover
How to Maintain a Swimming Pool Cover
No matter how much you love your pool, chances are you won't be using it for 365 days of the year. Unfortunately, when pools aren’t in use, all kinds of dirt, debris, and even animals can end up getting stuck in the water.
That’s why one of your swimming pool essentials should be a swimming pool cover. Still, your cover can’t do all the work for you. That’s why we’ve made this handy guide to pool cover care.
Basic Pool Cover Care
Here, we’re going to explain the basics on how to best look after your pool cover to keep it in tip-top working condition.
Remove Water
As a pool cover is designed to protect your pool from the elements, unfortunately, it means at some point, it will accumulate water build-up. To help preserve your pool cover, be sure to remove this water as it builds up by using a pool pump. Find out more in our guide to using pool cover pumps.
Remove Debris
Anything you wanted to keep out of your pool is inevitably going to end up sitting atop your swimming pool cover. To clear away dirt and debris, use a soft-bristled broom or a specific pool cleaning brush to clear these away as and when they begin to build up.
Keep the Cover Open When Using Chemicals
Your pool should still be treated regularly, even when it’s not in use – unless you’re closing it for the winter. Even then, you should be using chemicals to close your pool in the winter and again to reopen it in the spring.
When it’s time to use chemicals in your pool, make sure that you leave the pool cover open for at least 2 hours after depositing the chemicals. This will stop any of the gases produced by the chemicals in the water from getting trapped and potentially damaging your pool and cover.
If you are leaving your pool covered for a long period of time, then it’s recommended you remove the cover at least once a week to allow these gases to escape as well.
Check for Damage
As a pool cover’s primary duty is to protect, there are chances it can become damaged from falling debris or chemicals. Check the fabric of your swimming pool cover regularly.
If you do find any damage or wear in the fabric, you may be able to repair them with a pool cover repair kit, or it may be time to replace your pool cover.
Maintain Rollers and Tracks
Whether your pool is kitted out with an automatic or a manual pool roller, it’s essential you keep these in good working condition as well. Make sure you inspect the rollers or track regularly.
If you have an automatic pool cover, then make sure you clean out the tracks regularly, as debris can easily build up and affect the mechanism. You should also inspect the pool cover box at least annually to make sure no dirt or grime is trapped inside and to ensure all the components are greased properly.
Your pool cover is your best friend when it comes to protecting your pool from external damages. So long as you treat it right, it’ll treat you right in turn.
From winter pool covers to safety pool covers, here at 1st Direct Pools, we offer an extensive range of swimming pool covers to suit your needs. Make sure to check out our full range here.