How to Make Your Swimming Pool Safe

Swimming pools can be so much fun for the whole family, but sometimes accidents happen. That’s why it’s essential that you have the right safety precautions in place if the worst happens.

From swimming pool covers to wave alarms, we’re going to walk you through the most important ways you can make your swimming pool safe.


Types of Pool Safety Equipment


Pool safety equipment typically has one of these three purposes:

  • - Preventing someone from getting into the water
  • - Alarms to alert you when someone enters the water
  • - Rescuing someone from the water

In this guide, we’ll be looking at different types of safety equipment and why you need them for your pool.


Preventing Pool Access


The easiest way to make your swimming pool safe is to make sure that no one is going in it when they shouldn’t be. This mostly applies to children and pets who can easily wander right into the water without realising it’s even there.

There are a couple of ways that you can prevent someone from going in the pool when unsupervised. These include:

  • - Swimming pool safety covers - this should cover the entirety of your pool and should be able to bear the weight of two adults and a child.
  • - Pool barriers or fencing - this should completely surround the pool and not allow any access for children or pets to get under, through or over it.

If you’re not sure what size pool cover you need, you can use our online pool cover calculator to get the perfect fit.



Swimming Pool Alarms


If you don’t have a fence or someone is able to get past your fence, you should also equip your pool with a swimming pool alarm. For your alarm to be effective, it should sound for more than thirty seconds and sound different to any other alarms or noises in your house.

There are a couple of alarms that you can get for your pool, including:

  • - Pool fence alarm - an alarm fixed to the gate of your pool fence that will alert you of any unauthorised access to your pool.
  • - Above water alarms - also known as wave alarms, these monitor the motions of the water and will alert you if a certain amount of water is displaced.
  • - Underwater alarms - these are fixed to the side of your pool beneath the waterline. They use motion sensors or infrared scanning to alert you if something breaches the surface of the pool.


Rescue Equipment


There are plenty of ways that you can be heroic, but jumping into the pool to save someone isn’t one of them. This can be time consuming and add more risk to more people.

As such, there are certain pieces of safety rescue equipment you should keep on hand close to the pool in case the worst happens. These include:

  • - A ring buoy with rope - this should be kept close enough to the pool so it can be grabbed in a hurry. The rope needs to be long enough to cover the entire length of your pool so you can pull the person to safety.
  • - Safety hook - if the person or pet who has fallen in can’t grab a lifebuoy, use this hook by cupping their lower back and pulling them to the side of the pool.



You should also make sure that all of your swimming pool chemicals and maintenance equipment is kept stored according to manufacturer instructions and out of the way of children and animals.

When it comes to your family’s safety, you can’t cut corners. Making sure you’ve got all the safety equipment you need in place will give you the peace of mind you need to enjoy your pool to the fullest.

For more information on how you can make the most of your pool, check out our blog where we cover everything from pool maintenance to what chemicals you should be using in your hot tub.