One Piece Pools leave for the UK

1st Direct Pools have been in talks now for the past 8 months with leading one piece pool manufacturer 'Leisure Pools' based in Australia about a new range of one piece pools.

After deciding on a new range of pools and having them customised to the UK market our first delivery of pools was packed onto a trailer in Australia this week on its way over to our business park here in Dorset. From here we will be working in partnership with Leisure Pools to distribute the pools into Europe.

We have managed to secure these pools complete with the option of fully automatic safety covers and all at prices you won't have seen or comes across before.

The new range of one piece pools will be launched very soon once they arrive in the UK along with prices and sizes. A typical pool is anywhere from 30% cheaper than other European equivalents and they are manufactured to standards well over and above.

1st Direct Pools will be offering 'the complete package' on these pools with all of the swimming pool equipment that you may need to get you enjoying your new one piece pool in the blink of an eye.

For more information please visit