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Pool Chemical Guide
To keep your swimming pool sparking clean and clear you need to use pool chemicals to sanitize the water and keep the water chemistry correct and to also keep pool algae from forming. You need to use pool chlorine or bromine to kill the water-borne bacteria which could be harmful to you. Pool Chlorine can come in a shock liquid form, tablets or granular form, but you need to read the label to see how much you need to add to your pool depending on the size of your pool.
ChlorinationAlways maintains correct free chlorine residual in the water.Dose in accordance with test kit readings.
Never mix chemicals together and dont add chlorine directly to the pool as the granules wont easily dissolve instead pour the chlorine granules into a container of water and mix with a wooden stick to they are dissolved and pour this container into four different areas of the pools so the chlorine is evenly dispersed. Never add water to the chlorine granules always add the chlorine to the container of water. If you are using chlorine tablets these can be added to a floating feeder or via a in-line feeder. Once the chlorine is dissolved after several hours you need to test the chlorine level with a test kit before using the pool, the chlorine level should match the readings above depending on the type of chlorine you are using and if your pool is indoors or outdoors.
To ensure the chlorine is working effectively you need to keep your pool water chemistry balanced by using chemicals which affect the pH level of the water. Having a pH level below 7.2 means your water is corrosive (acidic) and could damage your pump and heating units (boilers/heat exchangers/heat pumps) as internal metal workings could corrode and above 7.8 the water condition is scale forming. To stop this from happening your pH level should be between 7.2 and 7.6 and your total alkalinity levels between 80-140 mg/l (ppm). To do this you need to add pH Plus (+) which is an acid to increase the level when it drops below 7.2 and add pH Minus (-) which is an alkaline a when the level rises above 7.8. To check the pH Level you need to use a test kit which can test for Chlorine/Bromine and the pH level. These test kits are normally very easy to use but you need to read the instructions carefully to ensure you get an accurate reading and you can adjust the pH level according to the test result.
There are two main types of test kits strips and tablets. For the test strips the strips are simply dipped into the pool water for a few seconds and then compared to a colour chart which will indicate the ph level or chlorine level depending on which type of test kit. The tablets work in a similar way and are dissolved in a sample of pool water and then compared to a colour chart to indicate the level, there are various tablet tests available DPD No. 1 for free chlorine level, DPD No. 3 for the total chlorine level and Phenol Red tablets for the pH level.
As well as looking after your chlorine and pH level you need to stop algae from forming in your pool which is a microscopic plant life which grows especially in the sunlight. To keep algae from forming in your pool you need to use an algaecide to prevent the algae grown over a long period of time. If however your pool has already gone green to remove the algae you can do this by following this guide or if you cloudy water then this guide will help you.
Active Oxygen
There is an alternative to using chlorine/bromine to sanitize your pool and its called active oxygen. Active Oxygen works using two separate components, the main disinfectant that oxidizers water contaminants and an algaecide to prevent algae growth. This product is Bayrol Soft & Easy and is more suit to swimmers who are sensitive to chlorine or bromine.