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Pool Chemicals, Chemical Dosing and Equiptment
Chemical Dosing & Equipment
Busy Life? Finding it difficult to maintain a clear pool? After a labour saving device? You will benefit from a chemical feeder / dosing unit - no matter how big or small your pool is we have chemical dosing system to fit your needs foreither domestic or commercial pools. Using a feeder makes chemical dosing much easier, and means you dont need to spend time dissolving Chlorine / Bromine chemicals before they go in the pool, all you need is either Chlorine or Bromine tablets, and just make sure you keep your feeder topped up.
Small Above Ground Pools & Spas For small pools and spas, there is a brilliantly designed floating chemical dispenser that floats on the water and disperses the chemicals for you. It really is easy - all you need to do is fill the dispenser with chemicals, and adjust the outlet at the bottom depending on how much you want in the pool. (Must be removed when pool is in use). Starting from 3.50.
Domestic In-ground Pools there are many different options on the market, however we have selected the most popular and convenient unit, the Rainbow 320 Chemical feeder. This model is an inline feeder, which means it is permanently fixed into the pipework in your plant room, always on the return after any heaters etc. The Rainbow feeder is a cylinder design tube with has gets filled with small chlorine or bromine tablets, which you top up occasionally. It has a dial on the front which controls the amount of chemicals released into the pipework and transparent sides so you can easily see when it needs topping up.
Other models are available such as the Rainbow 300 Offline Feeder, Perform-Max Chemical Feeder and Sani-King 740 In-line Bromine Feeder for Spas.
pH Dosing Equipment If you struggle with keeping your pH level accurate you will benefit from our pH Perfect - pH Controller. This unit measures the pH level and adjusts by dosing either Acid or Alkali (depending on the setup).
Commercial Chemical Dosing Our popular unit is the performance leader Rainbow with their Lifeguard High Capacity Chemical Feeders. These offline models can be used with either Chlorine or Bromine Tablets (Chlorine will treat up to 332,000gallons, Bromine up to 61,000gallons). The feeders work by adjusting the pressure which circulates water through the feeder, and is available in three sizes depending on the size of your pool.