Swimming Pool Prices Frozen!

Sat in the office yesterday with minimal staff managing to make it into work we have decided to take a bold step and freeze all of our prices at the massively cheaper 2008 prices for the rest of this month.

INFACT - a lot of our swimming pool products such as pumps, filters and heat pumps may even stay frozen for the entire 2009 season.

As the UKs largest swimming pool product supplier we are currently holding the most stock of any supplier in the UK. This unrivaled buying power should see 1st Direct Pools being your cheapest supplier of quality products throughout 2009 with a concious decision not to pass on any more price increases than we need to.

Speaking with one of our major chemical suppliers about our latest bulk buy order of over 80 tonnes worth of swimming pool chemicals we were told this was the single largest order they've ever had giving you an idea of just how commited we are to quality product at the right price.

To find out more about any of our incrediblepricesand fantastic deals on heat pumps, above ground pools, chemicals, pool kits etc please call our FREEPHONE sales line on 0800 328 4150.